The Mistress Files
There's no such thing as true evil in this world. Evil is only defined by which side of the line one stands. Follow the tales of The Mistress, one of the most feared criminal masterminds the world has ever known, and ask yourself: Which side are you on? The Mistress Files is a six-episode miniseries releasing bi-monthly once a year. Brought to you by Dramatically Dapper, featuring the writing talents of Alexander Liddel. For news and updates, follow us on Twitter at @DramaticDapper
The Mistress Files
S1 Lost Episode: Briarwood Manor
Dramatically Dapper
Season 1
What did transpire at the fabled Briarwood Manor...?
Episode Performed By: Kayla Valderas as The Mistress and Vivian Morrow, Conner Goff as Agent Embar, JD as War, Kathryn Stanley as Pestilence, Moosedup Productions as Famine, Bashful_Echo as Death, James Duncan as Sheriff Bartley, and Jacob Birks as Mr. Six. -
Written by Alexander Liddel. -
Produced, Directed, Edited, and Sound Design by Kathryn Stanley. -
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